Side Hustle Success

Transform Your Business Idea into Income Without Leaving Your Day Job

Get access to our exclusive Side Hustle course and discover how to launch and grow your side business with expert guidance.


Side Hustle Sidekick; your personal email advisor helping you stay on track and keep momentum.



Ready to turn your passion into profit?

Our step-by-step course and email sidekick is designed for ambitious individuals who want to launch their side hustle without sacrificing their current job or overwhelming their schedule.


Get all the steps needed to take your business idea that exists only in your head to becoming a real, working business.

Pathway to SUCCESS

Have access to practical examples of what to focus on and what to drop at various stages on your side hustle journey to avoid the pitfalls.

Keep up the MOMENTUM

Your Side Hustle Sidekick will be there with you; guiding you at each step and providing you focused emails when you start to fall behind.

What You're Getting:

Take a look inside The Side Hustle Success Course and  Side Kick



The SHS Course is a 5 module, step-by-step training course on how to start your Side Hustle in Australia. 

Module 1: Your Business Idea

Turning your passion into a viable business that people want to buy. 

M1.1 - B2B vs B2C
M1.2 - Your business idea
M1.3 - Testing your Idea

Module 2: Making Your Business Real

Get the blueprint to set-up your Australian business correctly; name, structure, bank accounts, insurance etc.

M2.1 - Naming your business
M2.2 - Setting up your business
M2.3 - Getting an Accountant
M2.4 - Business bank account
M2.5 - Required Insurance

Module 3: Online presence

Build your website for your business, set-up your business emails and start to be found online.

M3.1 - Website domains
M3.2 - Website platforms
M3.3 - Build your website
M3.4 - Google My Business
M3.5 - Other subscriptions

Module 4: Sales & Marketing

Craft and execute a strategy that attracts leads and lands your first paying customers.

M4.1 - Why S&M is important
M4.2 - Pricing your offering
M4.3 - Your dream customer
M4.4 - Getting sales locally
M4.5 - Win on Social Media

 Module 5: Going forward

Harnessing your momentum and continue to grow your business.

M5.1 - Your Next Steps
M5.2 - Recommended reading
M5.3 - Recommend courses

Starting your side ustle is easy.... when you know what to do!


What other Side Hustlers are saying

"The Side Hustle Success Program has been just the thing I needed to push me into taking my idea seriously and making it happen. I can't recommend Darren and Side Hustle Success more!" 


"I would not have gotten this far in starting my own business without Darren's Side Hustle Success course"


"Can I turn my business idea into a real business without quitting my job?".

The mistake most people make is they think they need to quit their job before starting their new business idea. They then realise that they can't afford to quit their job because they need the money to live, so they end up doing nothing with their own business idea.

Or worse, they feel that they could never be a business owner and give up on their dream entirely just to stay in a job that they don't like. They are waiting for someone to give the permission to start their own business.... but that permission is never going to come.

This is your chance to learn from me who has built several businesses while still working a full-time job to pay for the mortgage, food, kids education, living etc.

As an engineer by career, I don't just teach theory. I explain all the steps you need to start your business and I provide practical examples to ensure its simple and clear.


Are you ready to turn your passion into profit?

Our step-by-step course is designed for ambitious individuals who want to launch a side hustle without sacrificing their current job or overwhelming their schedule.

With only a few hours each week, you'll soon go from idea to first sale.


Plus I have a 60-day, no questions-asked money-back GUARANTEE (see below).

Your Investment is Fully Backed by Our 60-Day-Money-Back GUARANTEE!

I don't want unhappy customers. If this course doesn't help you build your very own business, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the content or for any other reason whatsoever simple email me to request a full, immediate refund.

No Questions Asked!

All I ask is you try the course to see it's value. Because a little bit of commitment from you will bring great rewards to you.

- Darren McFarlane

Darren McFarlane, a seasoned side hustler, shares his journey of balancing a full-time job with growing a profitable side business.

Benefit from his first hand experiences and learn to build your side-hustle with ease.


Start building your dream business today!