The Mentoring Blog
“I think you need a mentor”
“A mentor will help you succeed in business”
“I had a mentor and it really helped me”
Have you had someone say this to you? It is great advice… but finding a suitable mentor when you want one isn’t that simple. So how d...
Let’s imagine that you are reading this article and you have already made the decision to take more control of your career and business development. You are personally going to do something about it rather than leaving it to chance or the decisions o...
What is "surface mentoring" and what is "deep mentoring".
I have heard numerous times people talking about having a one-off mentoring session; whether this was through initiatives like mentor walks or it being part of an offering by their company. I...
"How much time do I need to commit to being a mentee or mentor?"
A rule of thumb is that you should be having 1 meeting a month minimum. At the start of the your mentoring journey you may want to do it more frequently with 1 meeting every 2 weeks for ...
 One of the most frequent questions we get asked is what are the difference between mentoring and coaching? It is pitched as mentoring vs coaching and only one can exist.
"Should I get a mentor or a coach?"
Since we get asked this question a l...
Should I know what my goals are before I get a mentor?
This is probably the biggest question that stops people finding a mentor... because they don't know their goals and never get the chance to define them.
It is similar to asking “what came first...
Darren McFarlane runs a mentoring company that is helping other people get into mentoring. But why did he get into mentoring in the first place?
“There's so much learning and then you get that extra positive benefit of helping others. It's rea...